
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2019

EDCT – A Global Educational Ecosystem

By Nelson Peñaherrera Castillo “The teachers  must remember they’re educating for life,” Proffessor María Elena Gracia underlines. She is a specialist in training, study plan design, and educational management with the Technological University of Chile’s INACAP. “And educating for life means to teach our students to solve practical problems and prepare them for continuing to learn,” she explains. The master-ddegree proffessor and graduated teacher on Castilian Language at reputated universities in the South-American country speaks firmly on her conceptions but tender on her directions, an attitude that catches the attention of her colleagues instantaneously. Mrs Gracia was in Sullana, Peru, holding a conference in November 18 th and workshops in Piura, Peru, between November 20 th to 23 rd mainly addressed to teachers and Education students with the purpose of exploring the benefits of critic and creative thinking in the classroom. “Our challenge as teachers is

The tolerance to trash goes under proof

SULLANA CITY, Peru – The people who walked  in the evening of November 10 th at the Main Square got surprised when a bunch of studs with banners on their t-shirts, with the #nolaensucies (“don’t get it dirty” in English) hashtag, began to collect the trash found in the gardens around the traditional pond – Could be they municipal employees?  Could they belong to any NGO?  What kind of activism could it be? The answer is they belong to the Marketing & Companies Management’s 1 st Cycle at Piura’s César Vallejo University (UCV as its acronyme in Spanish) who submitted the attendance to a kind of social lab for having first imppressions before the fact of throwing trash or seeing the already existent one at a public space, and the reactions have been mixed, from the full indifference to the fact that many persons recorded  them with their cellphones or even they took selfies. The flashmob -format activity consisted in four dudes gathering the trash, followed by other

La tolerancia a la basura es puesta a prueba

CIUDAD DE SULLANA – La gente que paseaba el domingo 10 al anochecer en la Plaza de Armas quedó sorprendida cuando un grupo de jóvenes con carteles en sus camisetas con la etiqueta #nolaensucies comenzó a recoger la basura que se encontraba en los jardines alrededor de la pileta: ¿serán empleados de la municipalidad? ¿acaso pertenecerán a alguna ONG? ¿a qué grupo juvenil pertenecerán? La respuesta es que se trataba de estudiantes del I ciclo de la escuela de Marketing y Dirección de Empresas de  la Universidad César Vallejo (UCV) de Piura quienes sometieron a la concurrencia a una especie de laboratorio social para capturar primeras impresiones ante el hecho de tirar basura o ver la ya existente en un espacio público, y las reacciones han sido mixtas, desde la indiferencia total hasta el hecho que varias personas les grabaron con sus celulares y hasta se tomaron selfies . La actividad en formato flashmob consistió en que cuatro jóvenes recogían la basura, seguidos de otr