Where the ecological conscience goes to

Why must we never miss the environment? Why must we be aware about the need to preserve?Why must we be efficient in our lifestyle? Was the pre-industrial age the best time for the humankind, really?


    The fight to preserve the environment does not depend only on a state acting such as a pretty advocate  for making the codes and rules of protection to accomplish. It goes through, mainly, a personal commitment to take the littlest measures at home, and based upon that experience, urging these ones to be applied at the nearby surround.


The control of home trash, or the elimination of visual & auditive pollution home levels are good manners to start. Recycling, having a sports routine, improving feeding habits, giving more time to learn some hobbies may be the choices we are looking for.


Claims like the need to regulate the managing system of running water have revealed that a quality liquid is not being consumed, and the solutions for conflicts outbroken around come no fast, neither effective. During the last two decades, the wáter pollution by heavy metals has been a latent story. And the arsenic has been the problem, particularly.


This toxic heavy metal was detected in little proportions during the first months of 2005 in Lima City, and since 2018 in the mostly rural communities at the north of Lambayeque Region.


    The politization of the environmental defense has not accelerate the issue but it has blurred it, and instead of improving the agreement process, it has put us away completely from the ecologist philosophy – the human being is just another component of an ecosystem, not the main component; so, that one has to be like that.


The environmental conscience may be expressed mainly by the return to the basic, not the abuse. The Nature gives us the enough resources to live well, not only feeding us inner but by taking the best of it to feel good in every way.


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