Scaring ghosts

I don’t know yet if I trembled by fear or by cold at Las Palmeras de Yaranche’s Coppers.



By  Aldo Palacios Navarrete



On June 17th, 2006, some student friends and I felt the motivation to break up the myth of Las Lisas Bridge and Las Palmeras de Yaranche’s Coppers, Tejedores Sector. The tradition says nobody can go through these places at midnight because the Devil appears and carries out with him. Everybody who visits this touristic zone only enjoys those landscapes during the daylight. Nobody, by fear, has spent overnight right there.



As we are curious people, and to know what really happened (no one, but me, belief in the supernatural), we went to the adventure of spending overnight. After waiting for the group to be complete, we left Tambogrande City at 17:30 and and arrived to Cruceta Village, about 10 miles to the north, half-an-hour later.We bought there the remaining stuff, as fuel and food, and we departure to the coppers at 18:30, where we got becoming night.



While ones set up the food, the rest looked for firewood for the woodfire. everybody could sit down to eat at 20:00 and began to tell stories about what the people said of that place. Suddenly, we listened to a wristle. I felt fear. I truly thought that my time had come… until one of the guys identified the tune and exclaimed: “That is Chicho!”



    This last friend joined us one hour later with a guy who lives at the zone, inviting us to take a bath at 22:00… even the cold that ran. We got into the water. It was funny. We enjoyed. After that, we got back to warm up around the woodfire because the cold started to increase. The conversation of that night was around of ghosts and scares.



What excited us much was the spectacular view of the starts and the Full Moon next to the sound of water. The fire was turning off. I went with Chicho to look for more firewood. It was too late. Then, we Heard the voices of a girl and a woman. I ran away quickly. In the end, Chicho is much bravest. That was exciting for real, although I think I actually hallucinated.



    The return

It awoke. It was a very beautiful morning. We went to see the beauty of Nature. As some of the guys were foreigners, they got much excited with the view. we decided coming back to Tambogrande at 10:00 because the Father’s Day was celebrating. It took us much time finding transportation, but we looked at many countryside scenes during the walk, with animals and plants.



At a crossroad, near Cruceta, we ate mackerel cebiche and boiled cabrillón, that are typical of the zone. The Devil did not appear to us, nobody else either –except Chicho—but we enjoyed the beauty that the Nature is.



    Candidates for scaring

At this camp participated:

  • Waltteri Katajamaki (University of Liverpool)
  • Osmar Coello (University of Guayaquil)
  • David Pulache  (National University of Piura)
  • Carlos Amaya (Student, Computation & Systems)
  • Fernando Vega (National University of Piura)
  • Wilson Saavedra (Pedagogical High Institute of Tambogrande)
  • Henry Vílchez (Pedagogical High Institute of Tambogrande)
  • Tito Saavedra (Pedagogical High Institute of Tambogrande)
  • Aldo Palacios (FACTORTIERRA’s correspondent).

The members of this camp dedicated it to Tambogrande, a fighter people.



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