I decide, I plan my future

SULLANA, Peru – Although a new environment but the same principle. The National University of Frontier (UNF as its acronyme in Spanish) tried again the Family Planning issue, thinking of its students community, for what it chose our Science and Public Health Coordinator, Obstetrician Marco Paulini Espinoza, to have an educational session called For a Responsible Family Planning – I decide, I plan my future, the last October 7th.


Mr Paulini has participated in similar academic events in 2019, which the same topic was tried as well as the prevention of breast cancer. This year, through a virtual platform, the obstetrician emphazized again the youngest the urgency to take the control of their future as much as they decide adopt the parenthood as their life project.


Taking advantage of remote education rising on the Internet, Paulini and Asociación Civil Factor Tierra are intended to display all their resources for getting close the community proposed to give science for taking better decisions, and when we talk about public health, this perspective acquire major care. If you are interested in having an educational session on this topic or any other one we talk about here or on our affiliate blogs, write us down at factortierra@gmail.com


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