
Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2022

Programming languages at schools

Why is good the students know how speaking to a computer.   By Nelson Peñaherrera Castillo . Photos Courtesy by Iván Rotta Saavedra .   SULLANA, Peru – The first time I sat down in front of a computer was in 1986. Actually, it was in front of some Atari or Commodore keyboard plugged to a 14-inch white-&-black TV during a vacation class. It was the time when Michael Knight spent speaking with a Pontiac car’s computer in an emblematic TV series, apparently science-fiction that time. Today, many time later, I speak to my smartphone ’s computer when I need verified answers about specific topics which I even write this article. We are not talking about artificial intelligence only. Before it, the process to manage orders and have results have to do with programming the device for it gives me a product or result. In a free etimology , programming means writing or outlining with anticipation, and amid the computation world, it means setting up a set of orders and instru

Lenguajes de programación en las escuelas

Por qué es bueno que los y las estudiantes sepan cómo hablarle a una computadora.   Por Nelson Peñaherrera Castillo . Fotos Cortesía Iván Rotta Saavedra .   SULLANA, Piura – La primera vez que me senté frente a una computadora fue en 1986. En realidad fue frente a algún teclado Atari o Commodore conectado a un televisor en blanco y negro de 14 pulgadas durante un curso  de vacaciones útiles. Era la época en que Michael Knight se la pasaba hablando con la computadora de un auto Pontiac en una emblemática serie de televisión, aparentemente de ciencia-ficción, para entonces. Hoy, mucho tiempo después, le hablo a la computadora de mi celular inteligente cuando necesito respuestas verificadas sobre temas puntuales con los que, incluso, escribo este artículo. No solo estamos hablando de inteligencia artificial . Antes que ella, el proceso de administrar órdenes y tener resultados tiene que ver con programar el dispositivo para que me dé un producto o resultado. En una etimol

The city that was already walking

In 19th century, Antonio Raimondi already had identified the cause of its glide.   By Nelson Peñaherrera Castillo . Photographs produced by Arabella Carrasco ,distributted by FACTORTIERRA.   This place is 132 miles to the east of Piura City (PIU).   HUANCABAMBA, Peru – The first time I arrived to this city (6474 feet altitude) was overnight, November 4 th , 1995. When it awoke, I went down to have breakfast at the river’s rim by taking Piura street, that instead going straight down, it turns a steep meander. Beside this way, a Deep stream, that in successive visits, I got to understand that, if it’s followed uphill, connects us to Huascar Street, the parallel one to the north of Piura’s. On its first block, the cobbles paving the slope are separated in disorder and there was a bump in the terrain’s lowest section. “It’s the fault,” my friend Ciro La Madrid explained me, and it’s the reason why that Andean capital city is named The walking City .  Nothing to do with the l

Lacrimosa or that rare mixture called cultural identity

Two girls and two boys who don’t look like anything found a space in the music to sound like one.   By Nelson Peñaherrera Castillo . Photographs & videos provided by Telón de Boca .   PIURA CITY, Peru – We live almost unconsciousness into a polyphonic world. If we fit to the etimology –multiple sounds —it’s enough to get out to the street, and if we focus in what we hear, we’ll notice not all has similar tone and intensity. The problem is those sounds are not combined, they don’t have the purpose to set up like a pretty sequence to the ear. That’s why we end to experience noise, probably a stress episode that will bring us to get inside our home looking for urgent relaxation. The polyphony in the music is all the opposite, for sure, Inside the same melody we go listening to, the sounds don’t own an equal tone but all set up as good as the ear feels caressed as well as it’s able to raise the alert levels of the brain not in distress but working the same, or better, than

Lacrimosa o esa rara mixtura llamada identidad cultural

Dos chicas y dos chicos que no se parecen en nada hallaron en la música el espacio para sonar como uno solo.     Fotografías y videos proporcionados por Telónde Boca.   CIUDAD DE PIURA – Vivimos casi inconscientemente en un mundo polifónico. Si nos ajustamos a la etimología –múltiples sonidos —,  basta salir a la calle y, si nos concentramos en lo que oímos, notaremos que no todo tiene iguales tonos ni intensidad.  El problema es que esos sonidos no están coordinados ni tienen el propósito de organizarse como una secuencia agradable al oído. Por eso terminamos experimentando ruido y probablemente un episodio de estrés que nos llevará a encerrarnos en casa buscando urgente relajación. La polifonía en la música es precisamente todo lo opuesto. Dentro de la misma melodía que vamos escuchando, los sonidos no poseen un tono igual, pero todos se acoplan de tal forma que el oído no solo se sienta acariciado sino que es capaz de elevar los niveles de alerta del cerebro no en mod