
Increasing the capability by rising the height – that’s the idea

The plan is providing, gradually along 2024, additional 65 million cubic meters to Poechos Reservoir, the largest of Peru.   LANCONÉS, Peru – Chira-Piura Special Project (PECHP by its initials in Spanish) plans to rise the operation height of Poechos Reservoir, the largest of Peru, until 105.5 meters (346.2 feet) altitude along 2024. In that sense, it will evaluate, based upon a filling plan, to take the decision for holding that height as the top operation level in the next years.   This Will allow Poechos to increase about 65 million cubic meters  (17 million gallons) of water not making an additional investment in infrastructure, built initially in 1972 and started in 1976, to store until 1 billion cubic meters. Because of sedimentation, this capability has been reduced in 55%.   The procedure was announced by PECHP’s President Victor Garrido Lecca Ramos, after holding coordination meetings with the National authority of Water’s (Ana, by its initials in Spanish) director

Planean aumentar almacenamiento de Poechos en 65 millones de metros cúbicos

El procedimiento consiste en un aumento gradual de la cota a lo largo de 2024.   LANCONES, Piura – El Proyecto Especial Chira Piura (PECHP)  planea incrementar la cota  de operación del reservorio de Poechos, el más grande del Perú, hasta 105,5 metros de altitud a lo largo de 2024. Asimismo, evaluará bajo un plan de llenado el tomar la decisión de mantener esta cota como nivel máximo de operación en los siguientes años.   Esto permitirá que Poechos incremente unos 65 millones de metros cúbicos de agua sin realizar  inversión adicional en la infraestructura, inicialmente construida en 1972, e inaugurada en 1976, para almacenar hasta 1000 millones de metros cúbicos. Debido a la sedimentación, esta capacidad se ha reducido en un 55%.   el procedimiento fue anunciado por  el presidente del Consejo Directivo del PECHP , Víctor Garrido Lecca Ramos, luego de sostener reuniones de coordinación con el director de la Autoridad Nacional del Agua (ANA), Alonzo Zapata Cornejo, los pr

How the girls and teenagers of Piura Highlands contribute to science?

Written and photographed by Mariluz Mejía, distributed by agrored Norte.   Girls and teenagers of Provinces Ayabaca and Huancabamba, highlands of Piura Departmen t , participate in the ethnical-botanical investigation made by Agrored Norte & Mountain Institute , funded by Peru’s National Council of Science & Technology, Ministry of environment, and Ministry of Agrarian Development & Irrigation, about the potential of wild fruit species of páramos and cloud forests .   They are high-school students of Totora school, Pacaipampa District ( Ayabaca Province ) and Cajas-Shapaya’s Virgen del Carmen School, El Carmen de la Frontera District ( Huancabamba Province ).   Those girls and teenagers mean a potential in scientific knowledge generation to value the riches of Piura Andes biodiversity, that belongs to the families living around the páramos and cloud forest ecosystems   The contribution of the girls’ knowledge  about  the fruit species, which they fee

¿Cómo las niñas y adolescentes de las alturas de Piura aportan a la ciencia?

Texto y fotografías por Mariluz Mejía, distribuido por agrored Norte.   Niñas y adolescentes de las provincias de Ayabaca y Huancabamba, en la sierra del departamento de Piura , participan de las investigaciones etnobotánicas realizadas por Agrored Norte e Instituto de Montaña , financiadas por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología , Ministerio del Ambiente y Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego, sobre el potencial de las especies frutales silvestres de los páramos y bosques de neblina .   Son estudiantes de secundaria de la institución educativa Totora, distrito de Pacaipampa (provincia de Ayabaca), y Virgen de las Mercedes, de Cajas Shapaya, distrito de El Carmen de la Frontera (provincia de Huancabamba).   Estas niñas y adolescentes representan un potencial en la generación de conocimiento científico para valorar la riqueza de la biodiversidad de los Andes de Piura , que poseen las familias viviendo en el entorno de los ecosistemas de páramos y bosques d

3 basic reasons to save Casona de Sojo

The centennial building, in the edge of Sullana Province, seems to be counting its last hours.       The following photographs show the structural damages as found on February 9 th , 2024, distributed by FACTORTIERRA.   SOJO, Peru – The house that was the headquarters of the estate managed by Miguel Checa Checa (tambograndé, Jul. 5, 1861 – Piura City, Oct. 19, 1935), that extended across 111,192 acres (like 10 Jersey Cities) along actual Piura Department , is bringing down in pieces.   It has left vulnerable because of three extraordinary El Niño events (1983, 1997, 2017), two strong and nearby earthquakes (2021, 2022), and the lack of maintenance.   According to Carlos Checa Leigh, grand-grandson of Miguel Checa Checa and actual manager of the house, one of the major threats is the indifference of authorities and citizens. Maybe not at all. As much as FACTTORTIERRA learned, , there are cultural collectives interested in participating to recover the estate, but