Iberoamerican Champions

In 2010, six high-school students of Sullana’s Santa Rosa School were granted with an international award because of a web project, and this was the essays of two members of that team about.


Peru wan

My name’s Edson Eduardo Espinoza Escobar, I’m 16 years old. I’m in 5th grade high-school at Sullana’s Santa Rosa School. I was in my Music workshop and a classmate came in to meet me because Mr Jonathan Salazar Aguilar, who teaches the Computation subject, needed to talk for inviting me to participate in the international contest annually organized by Spain’s EducaRed website, purposed to promote the pedagogical use of information & communication technologies for the educational communities, proposing different categories and modes such as blog, wiki, and web.


We had a 2-month deadline to present the work. The workteam was joined by who writes and five more partners. Approximately we began on March 22nd, 2010, to finish on May 21st, 2010. We chose the web mode in V Category, 15 to 17 years old.


We would contest with countries abroad, it would be a hard competence, but as the time went by, I saw the professionalism and motivation we put to develop the project, and I presaged we would be in the winners list, but I never figured out in the first place.


The six partners were communicated we would have our first meeting to choose the first the topic of our website, and the next ones were proposed:


And it was so that the idea to choose Machu Picchu as a topic broke out because the facts about this are disperse and there isn’t any website where we can find hard and full information. Also, as our patrimony and one of the seven wonders of the world, we wanted to give the websurfers to know this land of powerful, brave, and fighting Incas, ourancestors.


We were not happy about the title because it was simple, nothing outstanding, so we thought as convenient entitling it as Machu Picchu For The World, taking advantage it was an international contest. They were two months of work, we limited from many things and activities, meeting the friends, etc. Imagine we even worked in our vacation week.


The teamwork was ever predominant – if somebody didn’t know or couldn’t deal with something, the rest were able to support. The two months passed flying. One day, one of the team members, Néstor Andradé, came into the classroom screaming “We wan, guys!”It was such as emotion that he came in without requesting a permission to the teacher, and we amazed to check the fact, so we left all and came out without a permission too.


We screamed by excitement wwhen we learned. It was not only we wan – Peru had won. We went to the school principal’s office and the news was confirmed to us, the words we wanted to hear came to our ears: our work had wan reaching the first place. Later, the school congratulated us in public, many local radio stations had us as guests, and the winners news spread across diverse media. We also received the recognition of Trujillo’s Antenor Orrego Private University and Sullana’s Caja Municipal.


I was not the only winner, neither the 6-student team called Marist entrepreneurs – Peru has won. I wwished my whole country learned that Piura-native teenagers left their homeland’s name at the top of the tops.


the perseverance makes all possible

Hello. My name’s Exson Danilo Sandoval Rojas and I’m a member of the winner team at the 11th International Pageant – Web Mode that EducaRed website organizes, and I hope at this instant you follow me up on this narration about the trail to run for achieving this success.


It’s already 2009-ending and I’m finishing 4th grade high-school, but I’m worry about we were asked for a project consisting in a webpage in Computation, and I haven’t advanced yet because I haven’t marked as important. I have to present a significant preview tomorrow because we have taken much time but I have decided not to go sincerely for making advances and arriving at the deadline for presenting the work.


I woke up since six in the morning and I just finished at one in the afternoon – it seems like blinking the eyebut I hope the preview I got, to be sufficient.


It have already passed one month approximately since I presented a first preview of my work, and I try to advance now at least twice or three times a weekbecause after presenting my first preview, the teacher said me I had much creativity and I should take advantage of my potential for continuing to move forward and to overcome myself.


2010 – I’m in 5th now, and I’ve advanced researching about web design and related subjects during the vacation, but I guess we’re going to go in-depth this year about the subjects we did. All the classes were normal until we were announced about a contest during the morning formation before going into the classroom.


I was wondering several days until the ones who highlighted more in the last year’s web projects presentations were summoned. Great expectations broke out because this contest was worldwide, but I continued wondering that sentiment in my mind about something huge was actually going to happen.


The work journeys were long, the time was not enough for me to finish my homeworks many times, but the effort had to be worthy. Many experiences were shared, many things were learned, friends were gotten, and much was sacrificed.


Today’s the presentation dayand some adjustment remains, however, as a graduating student, I have to go to the ceremony done for Mary Help of Christians at the school’s chapel. I grump for a while because I think it’s better to advance the work although I finally realize it’s a good time to pledge the Virgin for not having any trouble at the uploading time.


The vigil finished and I ran into the Computers Room for advancing as much as I could, and uploading the work. It’s already eleven at night and we don’t upload it yet. We had to rrun tests and it was a failure we couldn’t correct. The preoccupation made me blind and I missed the notion of time.


Everything was ready and the work started to upload. The tension increased as much as the wait became shorter. Every minute became eternal until my soul got back into my body. The work was already uploaded at least! At that instant, I realized it was up to midnight and I had to go home as fast as I could because I hadn’t request a permission.


For a long time, I was in the uncertainty of receiving the results until the day came in and I couldn’t believe it – we have achieved the first place! We have overcame our own expectations and the effort was finally worthy.


The EducaRed Award was sponsored by Fundación Telefónica. The winner team of 15-to-17-year-old category, web mode, was joined by Néstor Andrade Talledo, Edson Espinoza Escobar, Exson Sandoval Rojas, Víctor Chinchay Alburqueque, Carlos Alfaro Herrera and, Carlos Cabrera Reyes, who studied the last two grades of high-school up to that time.

Produced by Luis Arancibia & Edson Espinoza. Supervising production by Jonathan Salazar and Nelson Peñaherrera. Preliminarily edited by Edson Espinoza. Finallyedited by Angel Ramos & Nelson Peñaherrera. We thank the collaboration of Renzo Gutiérrez and Santa Rosa School for the production of this special.



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