Our Strategies For Climate Change Interested You During The First Trimester Of 2019

SULLANA, Peru - The initiatives to face the climate change in Piura Region from the government and the citizenship got your interest during January, February, and March of 2019 from our contents offer, as well as the spaces we manage for protecting the environment, and how that conscience allow us to improve life conditions of the people and even launching green businesses.

In fact, the two main stories you preferred, according to the survey we did on our Twitter account, were "Anti-Disaster re-Engineering", that tells how the authorities of Piura Region are planning to manage Piura Basin in order to avoid damages due to the excess or the lack of water, and "Riding For Love To The Planet", that explains why the Chulucanas, Peru-based bodybuilder Ronald Benites is using a bicycle for tripping around the regional territory and educating the people on the need to conserve the environment". Other stories you liked were "Green, Amber, And Brown", which introduces Sullana, Peru-based little company D'Calidad, that exports honey and algarrobina (carob syrup) under environmental standards, "Piura's Green Eldorado", showing the Chicuate-Chinguelas Conservation Area (located in el Carmen de la Frontera District, Huancabamba Province), the largest and highest of the region, and "Intelligent Breakfast", featuring how two schools in Bernal (Sechura Province) and Huancabamba Citty, are improving the food quality from a government programme through school orchards.

It is necessary to point out that "Anti-Disaster Re-engineering" and "Intelligent Breakfast" were also highlighted by our Spanish-speaker audience. Also, the story "Disinformation As A Control Method",written by tthe Sullana, Peru-based Obsthetrician Marco Paulini Espinoza about the problems that emergency contraception could face in Piura's rural areas compared to previous results in Peru and Latin America, was a favorite in Togo, Africa. This story is part of a series combining another scientific article  on his blog.

The environmental trend also touches the ChulucanasGym blog. The article "Let's Return To Nature", that Promotes the proposal of Ronald Benites for outdoor sports and training was one of your favorites.

But specific issues of bodybuilders and athletes were also interesting for many users abroad. "Fundraising Your Sports Career", with 11 tips for attracting a sponsorship was favorite in Ontario, Canada, and the Great Lakes Area, United States. And "The Road To the Stage", with five tips for bodybuilders and athletes in competition, were preferred in Ontario, the West and East Coast of the United States, and even Cambodia.

Meanwhile "How Great This Boy WWants To Be" with the story of the Sullana, Peru-based young soccer player Cristhian Campoverde, got likes in the United Kingdom.

The information about HIV and gender violence interested you during 2019-beginning. "Let's Talk About HIV/AIDS" and the recent "Gender Violence - Whatt Cecilia Never Understood" appeared among your recurrent readings.

Remember we are expecting your stories for telling them to the world. Leave us a comment with your idea or pitch below, or write us at factortierra@gmail.com

The photos on this entry belong to Jimmy Farfán and Ronald Benites, above and below respectively.


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