
The good, the bad, and the awful of Malingas.


By Joe Ríos Romero


Folks, did you know that pretty much people who work in the city need to have fun or relax once or twice a week at least for recharging batteries and taking out the stress of the work or the anxiety of the school?So, I’ll say you that not everyone ccan give that little-but-some-expensive pleasure, then seen that little detail, we decided to introduce you a little lady with an uncompareable beauty. An amazing surface, and a land that gifts you the tastiest, freshest products able to charm your mouth and fall your heart in love. Ladies and gentlemen… Malingas!


This place, one hour away Piura City and Sullana City, is one of the most beautiful and interesting across Piura Region. I know most of you will say you “hey, but there’s just countryside there and nothing else, I don’t see anything interesting,” so I’ll say you that prejudge is very wrong. I say, I’m the living proof of the good you feel in Malingas and the fel-in-love you can become of this hidden paradise on Earth.


Beautiful landscapes, tasty food, hidden touristic places, warm people, hallucinant tales, and a lovely climate of calm and peace that only a place like this can bring you up. Rather, there is something of everything – for the adventurer, for the thinker, and even the lover. Hahaha.


    In the other hand, you have heard that fool but some true quote saying no everything is perfect. So, something of that matches in Malingas because at the most of this large place, we find many families without basic services as wreckage and running water, what breaks out a possible risk in health of many of them.


We also see the asphalted ways become an urgent need everyday. This, for contributing with most accessible places to all locals and potential tourists arriving to that shiny town, as well as the coat the canals and ditches need to avoid the water leaking.


I’ll say you too, folks, that in Malingas a worrying lack of conscience in some locals unchains. To be right, it’s due to the amount of satellite TV antennas we see in Malingas and the fact of seeing them in other nearby places is terribly concerning for us, at least, and I’ll tell you why.


    Because the lack of conscience in several local people is alarming as much as the monthly payment of that service is about 25 dollars what may be addressed to other less vain expenses like installing running water, a more consistent feeding, or school kits for the kids, among others.


The fact is everytime we talked to somebody of Malingas, said us they need support and they needed people who aid them. I know almost all of the persons who live in places like that accuse the government or blame their authorities. Surely, they may be partially guilty but don’t follow blindness and see the reality, think of your community and much more important, having an optimal life quality for your family. In short, before spending your money in Little distracting TV times, think of the next-day food, or the clothes of your kids, or maybe of a calm retirement, this one ever thinking of a more promising future and your whole community.


Not having more words to say, I leaveteake, folks, and I thank God for the beautiful of this land and the cool that it feels to live in a nation with so much uncompareable places in the world. I don’t say not to go to other countries, simply do tourism here and at the same time you create jobs for those persons who were blessed with this improved place.


Produced by Nelson Peñaherrera, Luis Correa, and Ernaldo Maza. Edited by Nelson Peñaherrera and Luis Correa. Original post-production by Alpasal.

© 2009 Asociación Civil Factor Tierra. All Rights Reserved.



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