A quick guide for environmental activists

By Juan Félix Céspedes Cortés and Nelson Peñaherrera Castillo


    In 20 years of FACTORTIERRA, we have seeninfinity of responses and counterresponses to the environmental activism. There is not anything written about but there are multiple meeting points, actually, amid the struggle. If you decide to entrepreneur the environmental activism, you are going to find multiple strucks, but the final satisfaction is ever the best reward – winning or solving a case.


Before commenting you the possible usual scenarios, we suggest you to make a plan that eases you to measure your achievement and solve difficulties, and ever working in team. You know, it’s very true that two heads think better than one. Imagine three, four, or five. Yes, you must be aware of your plan and your team to be reliable and realistic. If not, you will get into multiple thin pipes.


Avoid to use the punches

If you have excellent explanations, your opposers can reply with other excellent explanations, or with insults. The most of times they use the second choice and not for free. What they look for, is appealing your instinct part so they can compare power. If you like The Incredible Hulk, it’s the worst example to follow. The insults are not replied with stronger insults. The most effective strikes use to be the complete indifference, also known as the classical act of ice, or improving so much your explanations as high as they are unfailable. To reach this second goal, you’ll require much technical information. However, this is the best alternative because for some strange reason, the science is ever beside the environmentalists. And believe or not, your opposers also like to watch Discovery Channel.


Every penny counts

The first activists who end to unactivate are who look for some extra money. Bad news – the activism for the activism generates multiple outcomes instead of incomes. This is the ideal scenario for your contender to detect possible unhappy ones and they offer to solve their overwhelming money need in exchange to betray you. There are not little or big betrayals. The betrayal is ever a betrayal.


Join reliable people, not bribers. Remember that your friend is not ever  who follows you blindness but who make you to see the things from different perspectives and decides the better choice next to you although it is not what you like. Overall are the people who you work for, not who you work with.


The cow jumping the grill

Do you remember Inspector Gadget? He almost never matched the information so he never had right information. The result was a plot even he didn’t understand. If you play your contender’s game, you could be smashed by the mud slide. When your contender suggests to have much information from priviledged sources, take it easy. It is usually  the same information you have, but partial. In the best case, the facts resul to be true but out of context, so if you play, you’ll be inside the smokescreen.


In our experience, our contenders use to have more information leaks than an old water pipe, and a keyfact is more simple to get from unidentified sources than making an appointment with the CEO. Just remember this detail: not only your people are unhappy but their people are like so too.


Only some final words: never let scare despite, like a Julia Roberts’ character said, it were about a fight between “David and that one I can’t remember with all his family.” Who has the best information, wins. If they have their own intelligence system, you may have one better, low cost. Simply look around  you, and if you are Smart, you will realize you have more allies than you can imagine. For more specific advise, write us at factortierra@gmail.com


David Villanueva is featured as a model on this entry.

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