Lebanon meets a “successful model” in Tambogrande

TAMBOGRANDE, Peru – Members of Lebanon Arab Government’s Social Affairs Ministry  got to quebrada Parales Town for meet the good practice on feeding service management brought by Peru’s Development and Social Inclusion Ministry (MIDIS for its acronyme in Spanish) throught Qali Warma National Programme of School Feeding, at the 15105 La Quebrada School.

The so-called “successful experience” is developed  because of the coordinated work that the School Feeding Committee (CAE for its acronyme in Spanish), the community, and the local authorities are doing.

The visit was held in the frame of a internship for exchanging experience and knowledge  on social programmes between Peru and Lebanon as part of the South-South Triangular Project from the international cooperation for showing up the purpose of the programme as well as  its implementation processes from the selection of the school’s menu, food buying, and the phases of the feeding service, that is executed into the co-management frame model  promoted by Qali Warma.

During its visit to the school, the Lebanese delegation watched the phases of storage, preparation, and consumption of meals, as well as interacting to the programme’s users, teachers, family parents, and Health and Education local authorities. The Lebanese mission’s responsible Marie Giha highlighted  the interest of the Peruvian government for improving the education of students through an adequate feeding.  In addition, the level of the educational community’s cooperation and involvement on the feeding service management.

It is important to mention the interest of other countries for replying the good practices of Peruvian social programmes, seen as strategic points to strengthen  their own public policies, MIDIS assured.


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