Peru’s 5th National economic Census was launched

It plans to cover about 2 million stores nationwide, 100,000 across Piura Department.


Peru’s National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI, as it’s initials in Spanish) launched the 2022 5th National economic Census (V CENEC, asits initials in Spanish) wwhich was begun on April 18th across the country purposed to update basic statistical/economic information of companies producing goods and services, that allow to generate economic indicators at geographic, sector, and thematic level.


INEI in Piura Department’s director Martin Herrera Boyer pointed out that the economic census will allow to know the business network nationwide and inside the nation, as well as to identify the economic characteristics of productive units meanwhile knowing much accurate the impact the Covid-19 pandemic comes leaving in the business structure of Peru.


The census might set up economic information to change the basis-year, to estimate the fall of job levels, the new ways to work (presential and/or remote), how the commerce channels have modified as well as the intensive use of information & communication technologies. INEi estimates to register more than 2 million stores nationwide, approximately 100,000 in Piura Department.


The V CENEC Will make in two phases between April and November 2022

In the first phase, scheduled between April to August 2022, it will make the National Stores census which registration to be through a direct interview to the owner, representative, or official by using an electronic form set up on a tablet for gathering information about the economic characteristics of the stores according to geographic levels.


In the second phase, it will make the national Poll to Big, Medium, and Little Companies, which to be done through self-registration on web-based forms differentiated for each economic activity, asking for economic-financial and company management information. This activity is scheduled from June to November 2022.


The Census prior results would be released between January and February 2023, the definitive version between June and July 2023.


Census issues and forms

In 2022 Economic Census, ddifferent economic sectors to be analyzed like fishing, agriculture, manufactured industries, electricity, gas, construction, hosting, food, transportation, communications, real estate, private education, water, sewerage, vehicles rrepairment, funding and insurances,as well as entertainment activities, among others.


Every sector to analyze will have a specific form like the economic and financial information gathering as well as knowing avout fix assets, machinery and equipments, depreciation, taxes, social capital, personel expenses, busy personnel, supplies, production, data of the company’s facilities, among others.


Also, the V CENEC to show the new productive and economic structure of the nation’s business activity as well as how many companies and stores got to overcome the effects of crisis caused by Covid-19, how many disappeared, or how many new ones entering emerging economic activities (e-commerce) are


In the same way, the INEI Piura Department’s director pointed out the V CENEC will allow to have a set of features like a Directory of Geo-referred Companies and Stores, Registered Stores Database, Sample Frames of Companies and Stores, as well as a Geographic Information System for Entrepreneurs (SIGE, as its initials in Spanish), thematic maps with economic indicators, atlas of companies and stores, thematic plans representing the companies and stores by economic ssector. 


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