Increasing energy for the countryside of Sullana, Piura, and Ayabaca

The electric service has carried progress to the rural population, it allowed to generate development by activating little and medium businesses. But it also stops the whole growth when there are blackouts. That’s caused because the actual transmission line can not generate the enough power to satisfy the demand of this people.


That’s why ElectroNorOeste S.A. (Enosa) is setting up a new 60-kilovolt line –60,000 volts—that will benefit mostly to the rural population of Lanconés Dry Forest, the Valleys of Chipillico and Quiroz. The beneficiaries live in the Districts of Lanconés (Sullana Province), Tambograndé, Las Lomas (Piura Province), Paimas, Suyo, Sapillica, Lagunas, Sícchz, Jililí, Montero, and Ayabaca (Ayabaca Province).


It includes 54 miles of transmission line, more than 200 metallic structures, and Associate substations. Currently, those districts have power through a 22.9-kilovolt line fed from a substation near Poechos Reservoir, taking advantage of its water volume to generate electricity.


Enosa describes the work like passing from a path to a highwaybecause it allows to transport more energy. It also guarantees the continuoity of the service – les blackouts, in other words, even it the net must be maintened. Currently, it must be completely shut down to do that. With the new work, it only Will interrupt the flow by sections while the remaining users continue to have it.


Of course,there are also other linked factors like the rainy seasons that can interrupt the service, and the abrupt landscape that could slow down much the reaction of the maintenance crews unlike it happens when a failure breaks at the coastal flat or a city in the same zone. However, while the light is turned up, the development chances will continue shining.



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