The New Piura

The functional vision and mission of a less vulnerable city before El Niño. 

By Julio ernesto Gianella*

PIURA CITY, Peru - The knowledge we have not assimilated from Pre-Hispanic people is the urban planning. The best proof is  that many of the cities built in the past  are still there despite the natural disasters  and the time lapse. 

The city of Caral (Supe, Lima), the most ancient of South America, was wisely built and it has not suffered from floods , Nature's onslaugths  neither, in 5000 years of existence.

The virtue of urban planning is upon the balance between the what we want and what we can. If it has no contribution  of the vision  and the wishes on a better future, we stay trapped into more of the same; in the other hand,  if  it exceeds in futurist dreams, it crashes into the reality and detracts.

That is why the main basis of the Piura's future planning must be the non-vulnerability before the natural phenomena, and our operative guideline must be the most rational use of the available resources, not wasting  but keeping  the quality and the durability  of the investment.

In the other hand, we have to keep in mind that the centralism in Peru is the main cause of the secondary cities delaying. To realize that, let's compare  the five major cities of this country to Colombia's, taking a kind of closer example to understand how much back stepped-down we are: Lima to Bogotá, Arequipa to Medellín, Trujillo to Cali, Chiclayo to Barranquilla, and Piura to Cartagena de Indias.

The three main cities in Peruvian Northern -Piura, Chiclayo and Trujillo- might target to overcome a million people each  one, in 25 or 30 years up to come. The population growth of Piura City is 3% annual in average - in 42 years it has  gone  parallel to a life quality deterioration.

The Urban Expansion of Piura

The Piura City's Urban Development Plan (UDP)  was formulated by the province's municipality in 2014, with a  18-year  horizon to 2032. Although it is about a very well structured document, the following questions on its insights are regarding:

  • The predicted total urban area seems to be quite exagerated, because it could suppose to grow in 15 years more than  four  times the actual area.
  • It does not consider  the potential of urban home growth towards the North in direction of  Piura-Sullana Axis (it only considers an industrial corridor).
  • Piura will require in an upcoming future a civic-financial  center at a big city scale, what I could not clearly identify in the plan.
  • It keeps the actual location of Castilla Airport: as it has limited to a 2,4 km or 1,5 miles lane, it can not reach  the  international cathegory.

Between 1970 and 2017  the Piura City urban area increased almost 150% coming from 16 sq km or 6 sq mi to 24 sq km or 9 sq  mi, what means that population density  (habitants per hectare or hab/ha) increased from 80 hab/ha to 120 hab/ha  (1  hectare equals 2,47 acres).

The areas of major expansion potential are located to the East, in Castilla (included in the UDP), and to the Northwest, in  26 de Octubre (not included in the UDP). In both cases, they are about  relatively high lands with good drainage and  easy  access by Pan-American and Interoceanic Highways. The big limiting of the future urban expansion  will be the availability of water sources for human consumption.

Why The City Flooded?

The easiest way is blaming the river and its overloads, when the human being is the main guilty  who has modified  and destroyed the natural conditions of that. First of all, the natural courses of the rivers must be respected  and conserved, and the overflows occurred during the big overloads are not ever negative (as the case of Nile River and the natural fertilization of agricultural lands).

As the human settlements look for being closer to the rivers, because the advantage of water supply and  communications  feasibility, they make the conflict between the protection of the habitat and the water free flow.

In Piura City's case, the 1588's primal settlement, just more than 40 hectares or 98,8 acres, was located on a promontory upon the Piura or Lengash River (6 meters or 20 feet above its dryness level), and historically it did not suffered from significant floods   until we have experienced in 2017. It also happens that the human being has destroyed the vegetal cover at the highlands of rivers' basins, modifying the  natural runoff what has increased considerably during the rain periods.

Thus, the historical situation of Piura River has changed due to the action of human being:
a) Because of the destruction of the forests covering totally the Andean Range's West slope, and;
b) Because of the course modification, mainly through the rims narrowing.

When The Drainage Is Dismissed

The water flooding Piura City every El Niño event has two different origins, those require different type of forecast  actions too: in one side  we have the water accumulating from the falling rain directly over the urban area and surrounding  mycro-basins, and in the other side we have  the water overflowing from Piura River when the big overloads happen.

A 100-millimeter or 4-inch rain falling 10 continued hours, thing that is not rare if happens, can cause more than 50 cubic  meters per second or 13300 gallons per second of runoff across the whole urban area located on the West Bank  of Piura River  (the primal Piura City, in other words). Due to  the characteristics of roofs and pavements waterproof features, the hydrographic of the runoff at  urban areas  modifies evidently compared to the free land, increasing the peaks and disminishing the period of runoff.

Every city in the world built at geographic zones with medium to heavy intensity rains ease systems of rain drainage with side ditches, drainss, or independent canals to waste water sewer, those lead in major courses as rivers, lakes, or the  sea. Ath the Peruvian Northern Coast, this practice have been lost under the thought that a heavy rain every decade (El Niño)   would not be something to concern about, avoiding the maximum cost.

It is necessary to differentiate the urban micro-drainage, applied to areas until 100 hectares or 247,11 acres, from the urban macro-drainage, applied to major areas.

  • The urban micro-drainage includes basically ditches, drains, or conductive irrigation ditches, those carry continously  the  water by gravity until the major system.
  • The urban macro-drainage includes natural creeks, those must be protected or recuperated, and waterways built by the human  being, that could be zanjon-type (Sullana's case), or tunnel-shaped, or infiltration galleries.

Zone Assignment Before Vulnerability

2017 Coastal El Niño confirmed the existence, inside Piura City limits, of vulnerable urban zones  what certainly  will be  flooded  by the future happening of that event, due to be at levels below the river's overloads dimension. On Rebuilding with Changes Plan, it was chosen the relocation of that zones' homes towards potentially non-vulnerable  others as policy, which implied the reservation, possession, and eventual expropiation of the chosen lands for the moving,  and the demolition and control of the erradicated vulnerable areas.

Unfortunately there is a bit done about this sense, except the re-settlement of a part of Lower Piura Valley's rural  population (Catacaos). It remains to solve  urgently the problem of  the settled population at lowlands in the South  (Piura) and the Southwest (26 de Octubre) of the city, Gullman Avenue Axis' both sides, where it is estimated  230  hectares or 0,88 square miles should be erradicated, relocating between 5000 to 8000 families.

Critical Zones

From the previous vulnerability analysis, the zones  those would deserve  an attention as priority  related to the drainage   and the potential of future floods are identified:

  • Critical Zone 1: Gullman Avenue Axis' both sides enlarging 2,8 km or 1,7 miles towards the North from the crossroad with  New Pan-American Highway. Human settlements might be totally erradicated of a 230-hectare or 0,88-square-mile approximate  surface .
  • Critical Zone 2: There is a natural land depression located  500 meters or 0,31 miles  to the West of the Main Square, which lowest part is oriented along the axis descending  from the North to the South. Inside this depression is Grau Club and its orientation coincides muchly to Sullana Avenue Axis. Here we have favorable conditions for easing a major  structure belonging to the urban macro-drainage, through what could be tasked to evacuate fastly the water in floods case,  rain origin and river's overflow as well, running the water down to the South for draining into the Piura River's course,  at a point located in the dimension under the city level.
  • Critical Zone 3: Castilla District. A big part  of the urban zone is  below the 30-meter or 99-feet altitude dimension and  suffered from the flood due to river overflow  on March  27th, 2017. Although there are protection dams  on the river's  rim, the problem is, according to technical reports, those dams could contribute to raise the dimension of the river's bed  depth.

How did the city response?

The Piura's urban infrastructure -lanes, sidewalks, sewers- has collapsed its big part. This situation is caused by the  most of pavements and wreckages built before 2017 el Niño event have not complied the quality standards, and they did not  consider the urban rain drainage, anyway.

Before beginning works, it is necessary to measure carefully the benefits  of an immediate rehabilitation with similar  characteristics to what there was, just in front of a superior quality, high standards rebuilding. If the resources are  enough, it is clear the second one is the choice we should take.

Piura City's economic life practically begins with the building of the old wood-&-iron bridge (Puente Viejo) in 1893, which  lasted more than a century. In Piura's case, the bridges play a fundamental role in the urban development. If it is true the for existent ones for  vehicles in the city area have  stood the big load of Piura River on March 27th, 2017, they have not done the same  efficiency. Cáceres Bridge (Cuarto Puente) worked much more as a dam, increasing the overflow that finally  caused the  flood of the city.

Cáceres Bridge was concluded in 1995 not respecting rules of design, narrowing  the river's course by  filling the river  platform that existed at the East Bank (Castilla). It is an excess  of supporting vertical structures (6) and  its flush   is at the level of the streets to access to. As a result, in March 2017, it acted more like a dam instead of a bridge. As appreciated dramatically on the photograph  (excerpted from the report of  University of Piura's Institute of Hydraulics).

Mid-2017, the Agriculture Minister and the National Authority of Water's director  stated that "the  non-mitigable  high-risk marginal zone (of the rivers)  can not be occupied,  so the Pecsa Oil Station and  Open Plaza's parking lot those  strangle Piura River's course by Cáceres Bridge must be removed," however long months have passed by  and nothing of that  was made.

In contrast to Cáceres Bridge, the modern Bolognesi Bridge was concluded in 2001, after 1998 El Niño, by using  the best  engineering, with a big metallic arc 130 meters or 427 feet horizontal distance between the supporting spots,  without  intermediate supports, what beared  the last overload without any problem, not interfering the river.

Bolognesi Bridge's cost, made-in-Peru steele structure,  was about US$ 7 million of 2001, what considering the cost of  living increase (51%), might not be over about  US$ 11 million. Actual Bolognesi Bridge, operating since 2001, replaces the one brought down by Piura River during 1998 El Niño. It is a good example of engineering.

A Canal Way For Te Downtown
Inside the critical zone 2 previously quoted, it is located  the core of the major commercial, civic and cultural activity  of the city, so it deserves attention as priority for the purposes of urban planning and drainage. The natural depression  regarding to this zone is clearly delimited by  the level curve related to 35 meters or 115 feet altitude.

On the transversal diagram of the city's urban area (section in West-East direction, 100 meters or 328 feet to the North of  the Main Square), the depression  is clearly visible, which lowest point is 7 meters or 22 feet below the intersection  point  with Tacna Street (calle Tacna), located to the East.

Extending  the depression axis towards the North, going up Sullana Avenue, there are favorable conditions for a major  structure of urban macro-drainage what could concentrate  the evacuation of flood water across approximately  10-square-kilometer or 4-square-mile urban extension (almost 40% of  actual area of the city in the Piura River's West  Bank).

The urban macro-drainage could be 5,6 km or 3,5 miles length, could start at a nearby point to  intersection of San José María Escrivá (prolongation of Sullana Avenue) and Educativa (prolongation of Chulucanas Avenue) Avenues, near Los Jazmines Neighborhood, could run down along Sullana Avenue Axis Northwest-Southeast direction until the Sánchez Cerro Avenue  intersection, then South course to Las Palmeras Neighborhood, and finally Southeast course for leading  into the river.

It could start at  41-meter or 135-feet altitude dimension and could finish  at 26,6-meter or 87-feet altitude dimension  with a -0,27% average pendant. This project also presents the opportunity to turn into a speed urban traffic car way to be used everyday, every month and  every year  when flood problems does not appear, as happened in Sullana with the Canal Vía, built successfully after 1983  El Niño event, what works perfectly only if keeping clean.

The alternate use of  the macro-drainage canal for car transportation would represent a significant contribution to  Piura  City's modernization.  In the intersection of the Sullana Avenue's Canal Way and Sánchez Cerro Avenue, that means  the  main khub of the city, a by-pass bridge would be eased, what could relief the urban traffic, significantly.

Waste water

Piura City's wastewater, located  in the West Bank (not including Castilla) is conducted  and  poured into the oxidation  lagoons  located in the Southwest of the city. Such lagoons have been largely superated by  the population growth  and are based upon an open-pit biological treatment  technology, what is not convenient for a city getting closer to the half-million people, less still  for the next 30 years,  what is the horizon used when projecting sanitarian works of that magnitude.

It is also necessary to say  those lagoons are inside the property of Kurt Beer ecologic Municipal Park, what  is a  contradiction. It is necessary to project a new integral system of waste water conduction and treatment by using  modern technologies such  as  the built ones in Lima (Taboada and La Chira) and Arequipa.

If we project with Taboada Plant's costs, (about US$ 150 million of 2012), designed to attend  8 million people, a plant  for Piura might not superate about US$ 15 million, plus the cost of the trunk conduction pipelines. The new wastewater treatment plant for Piura should be located at enough distance away from the city to avoid any  environmental problem, and to the South of course  for allowing  the conduction by gravity.

Now or never, the rebuilding of the Peruvian Northern has to be boosted. The months are running and the people waits for but  also desperates about. It is needed congruence (fruit of experience),  urgency sense (fruit of commitment), honesty (what nobody doubts about), and a deep respect to the people  (what could be lacking).

* Urbanist Architect. Based upon  the presentation offered to the Inundación Nunca Más Civile Association in Piura, February 8th, 2018. Additional reports and writing by FACTORTIERRA.
The images featured on this article were provided by the author not identifying the source. If you believe those images belong to you, please notify us at to include the credit.
Thanks to Arturo Peñaherrera Castillo for collaborating to this article.



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