Women and military promoted culture during 2019 in Piura

Piura’s Disconcentered Culture Board (DDC as its acronyme in Spanish) has recognized the cultural characters of the region, who worked during 2019 by including the community  through the conservation and validation of cultural patrimony, strengthening the cultural identity, and promoting the diversity and intercultural dialogue.

Cultural Patrimony
  • Rear Admiral César Morales Huerta-Mercado: From his position as Commander of Peru’s 1st Navy Zone has launched the signing up of Casa Museo Grau in National System of Public Museums, as well as signing up the cultural collection of that museum in the National List of Cultural Real Estate.
  • Pina Zúñiga de Riofrío: Because her most recent publishing Memory of An Effort – San Lucas de Colán’s Church, what tells the work made restoring one of the oldest Catholic temples at Southern Pacific.
  • Re-validating Piura’s Monumental Zone Programme: Its goal is releasing the cultural, artistic, and historical values of this important downtown, founded in 1588. The characters who made posible this initiative are Piura DDC Historical Real Estate and Patrimony Technical Unit’s Architect Cinthya Cotlear León, Piura Province Municipality’s Culture Manager Giovanna Biso Rojas, iPerú’s Regional Assistant in Piura Ángelo Pérez Antón, Piura Archdiocese Archive’s  Official Historian Yanina Correa Gutiérrez, Piura University History and Cultural Management Academic Programme’s Principal Laura Albornoz Neyra, Piura Alliance FranÇaise’s Director Nail Munigglia, Alas Peruanas Institute’s Tourism Guide Maryouri Antón, and Grupo Patio’s Jéssica Lescano.

Arts and Cultural Industries
  • Division General Walter Córdova Alemán: As Senior Commander of Peruvian Army’s 1st Division organized the 1st Contest of Short Narration, Poems, and Wallpaints called Talented Soldiers, Successful Men, moving troops for discovering or highlighting their artistic talent.
  • Silvia Mendoza Gálvez: Because of managing the 1st Inter-School Contest of Literarian Analysis and Performing Poem called Piura’s Culture to Build Citizenship from habitual poems.
  • Korillacta Foundation: Because of its work by promoting the reading among children and youth of the region.

    • Ana Castillo Campos: The Labor Regional Board’s Director of Labor and Proffessional Training had no doubt to join the African-Peruvian population of Yapatera and Morropón Communities in Labor Fairs she develops from the institution. Those actions were executed framing the Regional Technical Board of African-Peruvian Population’s Development Plan (Plandepa, as its acronyme in Spanish) in Piura.


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