FACTORTIERRA and UNF join to educate about breast cancer

SULLANA, Peru – Health specialists sustain that the breast cancer is one of those causing most death amid women across Peru and the world, but it is also one that can be treated successfully if detected on time, and everything because of the self-test. That is why the Universidad Nacional de Frontera (UNF) summoned the Obstetrician Marco Paulini, our science and public health coordinator, for educating the community about this issue.

“It’s important that every woman, since she begins the puberty, get accostumed to watch her breasts, know them very intimately, identifying their normal anatomic shape to determine when it could present an alteration,” he explained.

“It’s vital importance to self-test the breasts  to see any change in shape or consistence, touching them too by rubbing them clockwise and detecting any strange bulge that was not there before,” Paulini reminded. “If that happens, the next step is going inmediatly to the health post to discard it.”

Our partner also underlined the fact that the males can develop breast cancer, but without the prevalence  registered in females, although  the same early detection techniques apply.

The educational session is part of the activities that UNF does for the Month of Breast Cancer, observed every October worldwide. “If women still fear to self-test or attending to the nearest health post for a discard, I remember you that many famous women share and have shared their testimony, that you can use as inspiration for taking action,” the author, strategists, and blogger about sexual and reproductive health topics pointed out.

The collaboration of Factor Tierra Civile Association and UNF is part of a joint educational commitment to put those issues close to live-audiences, what allows most interaction  and spreading easy-understanding messages with the most scientific rigor, as the style of our organization is. For more information  about the educational sessions we offer, write at factortierra@gmail.com or our Facebook and Twitter accounts.


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