Increasing the capability by rising the height – that’s the idea

The plan is providing, gradually along 2024, additional 65 million cubic meters to Poechos Reservoir, the largest of Peru.


Chira-Piura Special Project (PECHP by its initials in Spanish) plans to rise the operation height of Poechos Reservoir, the largest of Peru, until 105.5 meters (346.2 feet) altitude along 2024. In that sense, it will evaluate, based upon a filling plan, to take the decision for holding that height as the top operation level in the next years.


This Will allow Poechos to increase about 65 million cubic meters  (17 million gallons) of water not making an additional investment in infrastructure, built initially in 1972 and started in 1976, to store until 1 billion cubic meters. Because of sedimentation, this capability has been reduced in 55%.


The procedure was announced by PECHP’s President Victor Garrido Lecca Ramos, after holding coordination meetings with the National authority of Water’s (Ana, by its initials in Spanish) director  Alonzo  Zapata Cornejo, the presidents of irrigation users boards, and ANA’s dams safety specialists.


Garrido Lecca Ramos explained this is a short-term alternative to improve the water storage level in Poechos. He warned the procedure to be gradual – 10 centimeters (4 inches) rising the level every week, it will be properly monitored to set up if it’s able, or not, to reach the proposed amount.


Up to this date, the reservoir operates, as much, with a 104.5 meters altitude height, being designed and enhanced until reaching 106 height in operations and 108 as the top height in the dams. By 2024, the proposal is analyzing the data of the instruments measuring different variables already installed in Poechos for reaching the 105.5 height.


Garrido Lecca Ramos reminded  that, until 2022, it was executed the first phase of the reservoir’s enhancement project between world Bank and ANA. This project allowed  Poechos to have a parapet, emergency piers, and instruments measuring leaks, pressure, and seismometers.


Now, PECHP has proposed to end the transference of instruments and equipment for monitoring the new operation height.


PECHP sent the information to Lima-based ANA for its interpretation up to this date, leaving as queued the formal transference of installed instruments and the training for PECHP can generate the monitoring reports in a periodical term.


At the meeting held in Lima City, it was proposed to end the transference of instruments and equipment as well as to begin the filling to the 105.5 operation height, proposals –they say—well received by ANA’s chief and his team.


“If the results point us out there is a risk, we will stop – if there’s no risk, this will be the substantiation and consideration as a hard alternative in short term as the same time to the construction of satellite reservoirs in samán and Chipillico as a first phase and following up the evaluation of Poechos clearing,” Garrido Lecca ramos stated.


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