Art Against Discrimination

An idea to use the web and to advocate on this issue.


By Franco Alburqueque


The art ever has been one of the best ways to pitch diverse topics so generating a reaction in public opinion. The image, the sound, the color, the word, the possibilities are infinite having in mind those four basis. That’s why FACTORTIERRA is calling to all its audience to display all its creativity to pointing out at and fighting the discrimination of all types. The only to do is thinking and rreflectionating wwell about, take your creativity, and making your own features.


Terms and conditions

  1. This initiative is not a contest but a broadcasting system of all-type anti-discrimination contents, that can use any multimedia platform (sound, image, text, or integrated) to pitch a specific message to the audience that follows us  on the Internet.
  2. The features to be published on all the own, associated, or affiliate platforms that FACTORTIERRA manages from the moment we approve it and for an undefined term.
  3. All the features to be published as they get us, and under discretion of the editors. As much as you can, all the features must be conceived to be released on the web, so it is recommendable to adjust to the proper formats to this platform. We can guide the author or groups of authors about the ideal technical specifications for the publishing, if not, we cannot proceed it.
  4. Despite their wide artistic criterion, the editors and producers of FACTORTIERRA demand clarity in the message independently its form. In case this one is not clear, the publishing will be submitted to a previous consultation to the author or groups of authors.
  5. By editorial policy, FACTORTIERRA does not publish features promoting the violence of any type, whatever its form, against any individual or collective of individuals.
  6. The features not adjusting to this specifications will not be published, that does not configure a crime or a felony against its author or groups of authors.
  7. There will not be a retribution of any type for the sent and/or published features. That does not exclude that organizations outside FACTORTIERRA can recognize or estimulate the works materially, previously coordinated with the edition and production crew.
  8. All the features must be sent only at by specifying in the subject “Art Against Discrimination.” This address also can be referred to ask about this or other related topics.
  9. All the features must include the credit of author or groups of authors, that may be a nickname. The submitting e-mail account user tag will not be used as an identification reference of the author or groups of authors. The absence of this fact wil be marked as anonymous by the editors and producers.


© 2012 Asociación Civil Factor Tierra.
All Rights Reserved. On this entry, you may see some examples by Franco Alburqueque of features we propose to do. 


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