Good perspectives for a Peruvian rapid molecular test
LIMA, Peru – The development of low-cost rapid
molecular tests to diagnose SARS-CoV-2 without RTPCR, held by scientists with
Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University and EsSalud, as well as researchers with
diverse institutions in Germany, U.S., and Japan, has concluded its validation
phase successfully, according to Edward Málaga-Trillo released on his Twitter
It’s about a molecular tests that leads results
in 40 minutes, and that only requires saliva samples without the need to gather
fluids through nasopharingeal swap. The Rapid
Coronavirus Sensitive Monitoring from Saliva, RCSMS, test consists in a
Peruvian adaptation of DETECTR diagnose method, a combination of isothermic
RT-LAMP amplification (tool for the virus replication necessary for its location)
and the enzymatic detection mediated by Cas12A (genetic edition tool).
“The kit validation has used saliva samples from
276 patients of two Lima, Peru hospitals (over a total of 350 samples). The
scientific article (pre-print) coming from this Project and that’s already featured
on the MedRx digital repository points out that has proven that a low-cost
thermo-chemical treatment with TCEP/EDTA is enough for unactivate viral particles
and cellular nucleases in saliva, eliminating the need to extract viral RNA with
commercial kits, as well as the tricky nasopharyngeal swap procedure and the
requirement of level-2 biosecurity laboratories for molecular analysis.”
This last aspect makes this development still
more relevant as much as its massive use can eventually increase considerably
the capability of Peru for processing Covid-19 tests as it doesn’t require qualified personnel, neither sophisticated
“Our clinic validation shows the RCSMS detects
until five viral copies per reaction in 40 min, with sensibility and
specificity of 93.8% and 99.0% on the field, respectively, related to RTQPCR
[…] Also, our field research validates the use of lateralflow bands to view
easily the SARS-CoV-2 presence, that flatters the way to implement the RCSMS
like an attention point test [that leads results in the same place where the
test is taken], in environments with limited access to ultimate generation
diagnosis laboratories,” the paper points out.
In a statement to el Comercio newspaper,
Málaga-Trillo underlines the crew has delivered the correspondent documentation
to Bionext, the company that will apply for the authorization to Health
Ministry’s Board of Drugs and Supplies (Digemid, as in Spanish)to make and to
Adding to the contestable fund assigned by the
National Council of Science, Technology, and Innovation, the research has been
funded by Ac Farma, the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation to the
Development, the Peruvian Cock Growers Association, Banco Pichincha, Fuxion,
Intercorp, Industrias San Miguel, IBT Peru,
ISA Rep, Minera Poderosa, the National Society of Mining, Petroleum, and
energy (SNMPE, as in Spanish), and the National Society of Fishing.
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