LIMA, Peru – The development of low-cost rapid molecular tests to diagnose SARS-CoV-2 without RTPCR, held by scientists with Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University and EsSalud, as well as researchers with diverse institutions in Germany, U.S., and Japan, has concluded its validation phase successfully, according to Edward Málaga-Trillo released on his Twitter account. It’s about a molecular tests that leads results in 40 minutes, and that only requires saliva samples without the need to gather fluids through nasopharingeal swap. The Rapid Coronavirus Sensitive Monitoring from Saliva, RCSMS, test consists in a Peruvian adaptation of DETECTR diagnose method, a combination of isothermic RT-LAMP amplification (tool for the virus replication necessary for its location) and the enzymatic detection mediated by Cas12A (genetic edition tool). “The kit validation has used saliva samples from 276 patients of two Lima, Peru hospitals (over a total of 350 samples). The scientific article...