Do you pollute? You deserve an award!

PERU – What are the companies and officials that made more environmental damage to the nation in the last years? A curious dinosaur is the character who hosts the Citizen Movement Facing The Climate Change (MOCICC, as its acronyme in Spanish)’s 2019 Toward The Extinction environmental Awards.

The pageant is part of a campaign that pretends to make visible the environmental issues caused by the multiple environmental faults, the indifference, and the few action against the climate change. The users could vote online and choosing to the ones contributing with the extinction of the planet.

In a humoristic and sarcastic style, MOCICC presents a massive votation campaign, which has three cathegories:the dynoilers, the forestcides, and the disofficials. An online votation could be done, which companies and public organizations participate.
  • Dynoilers: In the first cathegory are presented the companies those committed environmental faults filed by the Peru’s Organism for Environmental evaluation and Accountability (OEFA, as its acronyme in Spanish) in repeated times. Inclusive, they eluded responsibilities and to pay the fines.
  • Forestcides: The second cathegory is joined by the best known deforestators, organizations those have propitiated a big-scale deforestation at the Amazon Jungle as well as the ones those have been filed because of its dirty actions.
  • Disofficials: In the last cathegory appear institutions promoting laws to affect the environment. In consequence, they agravate the problems of the climate change.

On the web (only in Spanish), the users will find out the brief in detail and documented for the case of each candidate, that sustains why its nomination  in this award. In the end of the votation, the users will receive an invitation for the awarding ceremony to happen on July 17th at the auditorium of Derrama Magisterial, in Lima City. You can follow it on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter aas @mociccperu. You can also write at


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