
Mostrando las entradas de diciembre, 2022

The Chira Quake of 2022

What does it happen underneath the nearby soil of Sullana Metropolitan Area?   By Nelson Peñaherrera Castillo | Blog | Twitter | Instagram | WhatsApp     MIGUEL CHECA, peru – Nothing unusual underneath the soil of Chira Valley but a huge land mass embedding under another apparently static. That’s how the report by Hernando Tavera and Julio Martínez with Peru’s Geophysical Institute (IGP as its initials in Spanish) might be briefed after the 6.1-magnitude quake (moderate) that shook a 155-mile area around a hypocenter 21 miles under a spot 11 miles to the west of Sullana 20101 , on October 5 th , 2022.   The epicenter was located between the towns of Sojo and Jíbito, Miguel Checa District , that means between Sullana 20771 and Sullana 20770 . This fact is relevant for the scientists because it trembled amid the continent, not under the sea, like it indeed has happened in events with magnitudes upper than 7.5, mostly reported at Peruvian Southern ...

El sismo del Chira de 2022

¿qué pasa bajo el suelo cercano al área metropolitana de Sullana?   Por Nelson Peñaherrera Castillo | Blog | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | WhatsApp     MIGUEL CHECA, Piura – Nada inusual bajo el suelo del valle del Chira excepto una enorme masa de tierra incrustándose debajo de otra aparentemente estática. Así se podría resumir el informe de Hernando Tavera y Julio Martínez, del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) tras el sismo de magnitud 6,1 (moderado) que remeció un área de 250 km a la redonda desde un foco o hipocentro a 33 km bajo un punto ubicado a 17 km al oeste de Sullana 20101 , el 5 de octubre de 2022 .   El epicentro se ubicó entre las localidades de sojo y Jíbito, distrito de Miguel Checa , esto es entre Sullana 20771 y Sullana 20770 . Y este dato es relevante para los científicos puesto que tembló en pleno continente, no en el mar, como sí ha ocurrido en eventos con magnitudes superiores a 7,5, mayormente reportados en el sur pe...

A boy surveys the food quality in his community

CANCHAQUÉ, Peru – Nicolás Rodríguez Julca dreams to be an agricultural engineer. He’s just 9 years old, studies in 5th grade Elementary at 14498 San Francisco School, and he’s the Environmental Chief. Adding the care of the place where he lives, one of his tasks is to promote healthy food habits among his classmates.   Currently, the school has stimulated the families to own orchards at their houses, so having more variety in food they consume.   Precisely, Nicolas’ job consists to visit these houses every week, to register the orchards status in a file: if the soil is already prepared, if it’s already planted, irrigated, removed the bad weed, or if it’s the harvest time. Based upon these results, Nicolás can give some recommendations.   Nicolás’ teacher Haydeé Choque sulco supervises the work, opines the boy is a leader along, as well as the orchard improves the social-environmental skills of the students. The vegetables cropped at the school and the hom...

Un niño vigila la calidad alimentaria en su comunidad

CANCHAQUE, Piura – Nicolás Rodríguez Julca sueña con ser ingeniero agrónomo. Solo tiene 9 años de edad, estudia en el quinto grado de primaria en el colegio 14498 San Francisco, y es el brigadier de Medio Ambiente . Además de cuidar el lugar donde vive, una de sus tareas es promover hábitos alimentarios saludables entre sus compañeros de clase.   Por lo pronto, la escuela ha estimulado que las familias posean huertos en sus casas, y de ese modo tener más variedad en los alimentos que consumen.   Precisamente, el trabajo de Nicolás consiste en visitar esas casas todas las semanas y registrar en una ficha el estado de los huertos: si la tierra está preparada, si ya se sembró, regó, retiró la malahierba o si ya es tiempo de cosechar. En base a esos resultados, Nicolás puede dejar recomendaciones.   La profesora de Nicolás, Haydeé Choque Sulco, supervisa el trabajo y opina que el niño es un líder en todo el sentido de la palabra, en tanto que el proyecto del hue...

Houses of Piura – so many stories to tell

By Nelson Peñaherrera Castillo . Photographs provided by Antenor Orrego Private University.   Photos by Antenor Orrego Private University.   Photo by erick Aquino.   PIURA CITY, Peru – Without intention,Marcela Temple Seminario became one of the most powerful women in earth, she knew how to use  it – the wife of former United Nations Organization’s General Secretary Javier Perez de Cuellar served the poorest people.   Through a prestigious international newspaper, she published a letter asking for solidarity with Timbocttu, Mali, an African country where the kids lived in extreme poverty. She impressed to see the flies putting on the children’s skin.   The post was successful, moved the entire world… or that happened in the 1980s, at least. Few people know Marcela Temple born and raised in Piura. Her family’s house is still in the downtown, inside the so-called Monumental Zone .   It’s one of dozen  of buildings framed in...