This cow already jumped the Moon

When we met Edelmira, we became her fansaand we looked for her in her barn. Error – she was at the Post-Grade School.


By Water, Democracy And Development Regional Network


– Edelmira Buleje Baca was the little cow’s name which presented in December 2008 at Piura National University’s Post-Grade School auditorium, and that performed the corporate image of everlasting businesses in Piura, that involve diverse entrepreneurship experiences looking for release nationwide intented to empower and respect the economic activities supporting the actual and future sustainable development of the department.


Edelmira presented with Piura Organic Banana Center (Cepibo, as in Spanish)’sJosé Lecarnaqué , Upper Piura Valley Mango Growers Association (Apromalpi, as in Spanish)’s César Morocho,  and Piura Coffee Growers Center (Cepicafé, as in Spanish)’s Wilfredo López, who presented details about the contribution of the economic activities they give to the department’s economy and their perspectives to 2009.


Edelmira visited Piura Municipality and was haven by former Mayor Mónica Zapata who manifested her commitment with the organic growers in the region, priorly highlighting their importance for Piura.


As well, Edelmira visited the facility of Piura Regional Government where she talked to former Sullana Province’s Regional councilor Nedda Bel Yaksetig and former Piura’s Regional Vice-President César Delgadillo Fukusaki who listened to the Edelmira’s message that her representative products are organic banana, ecologic sugar, organic coffee, and mango, products that are consumed in supermarkets of France, Germany, and Canada.


Waking up without collateral damages

Cepicafé (founded 1995 and member of Piura Commerce and Production Chamber)had 73 associations in 15 Andean districts, raising 2584 organized families. It has achieved to consolidate like an association of coffee little growers, leaders and innovators of the most Andean districts in the department, that export to the special markets abroad, without dealers, through this own exporting center.


Cepicafé sold around 72% of grown coffee of Piura Andes, which the most (72% too) has a organic product certification (no pesticides, no synthetic fertilizer). It has achieved to diversify the Andean agri-businesses, including the production of ecologic sugar, cacao, and the production of jams that have reached to increase remarkabily jobs, salaries, and family incomes, especially at Piura Andean Zone and Cajamarca Northern. Those activities, environmentally respectful, have achieved to involve about 4000 growing hectares based on a sustainable use, especially addressed to foreign ecologic markets.


Flagship fruits

At its side, Apromalpi (founded 1996) is an associative initiative of 40 mango growers in Chulucanas, that has reached a joint sale at the Lima Holesaler Market and nationwide as well as it currently exports to the fair-trade markets, mainly European, for what it has pertinent certifications since 2003.


Cepibo (founded 2005) had 1439 partners and this production occupied 1452.58 hectares area. This experience develops in Upper Chira Valley and part of the Middle Chira. It achieved the organic ccertification for 100% of its production, which is mainly addressed to the fair-trade market, especially Europe. Only in general sales, Cepibo reached, until October 2008, US$ 1,636,172.08 that represented a toll of 146,046 organic banana boxes.


Cepibo has achieved to hold the highest salary of the market for paying his associates and workers, strengthening their abilities, and despite the world crisis, the international demand held and even increased.


© 2008 Red Regional de Agua, Democracia y Desarrollo. All Rights Reserved. Additional edition by FACTORTIERRA.




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