The organic banana improves the management of a school

TAMBOGRANDE, Peru – As part of the interchange of experiences held by the Qali Warma (from Quechuan, Strong Child) National Programme for School Feeding, the School Feeding Committees (CAE as its acronyme in Spanish) from Sullana, La Arena, Cura Mori, and Tambogrande Districts knew the Organic Banana – A diversity of benefits for school’s feeding educational productive project, applied by the 15105 School in quebrada Parales Town.

Parents have organized for growing organic banana  that joins to the local production addressed to exportation, which incomes are used for covering the needs of the school, especially the feeding. There are 200 elementary school students attended by the Ministry of Social Inclusion and Vulnerable Population through the Qali warma Programme, that provides them breakfast and lunch by delivering a basic food basket that is complemented with crops from their school’s orchard.

The school’s principal and CAE’s president Emilsen Barrantes Alvarado told that the gains of organic banana sales have allowed them to strengthen the management of feeding service, improving the conditions of the kitchen, acquiring a freezer, renewing the utensils and useholds. “We are projecting to enlarge the dining-room for this year and purchasing shelfs and palletsfor the warehouse,” he added.

The last year, the Tambogrande Local educational Management Unit and Qali Warma recognized this CAE for providing an adequate feeding service, becoming a model. Here are the practice of higyene habits like the handwashing and teethbrushing, and good practices of food handling like wearing apron, hair cover, and mouth cover, as well as an adequate products storage.

Photo provided by MIDIS.


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